Millions of Americans suffer from temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, disorder. While the exact cause of this chronic condition can be difficult to pinpoint, the effects can be detrimental to your overall quality of life. One common symptom associated with TMJ disorder is chronic and severe headaches. Since many people don’t realize their headaches may be caused by TMJ disorder, Dr. Deborah Gennero would like to shed some light on this issue and share facts that may be helpful to you or your loved ones.
Recognizing TMJ Disorder
Since TMJ headaches can mimic other types of headaches such as sinus, tension, or migraine headaches, many patients are misdiagnosed. A TMJ headache may be triggered by a number of different things such as clenching or grinding teeth, poor posture, jaw trauma, or hormonal changes. Properly diagnosing this disorder may be difficult in some cases, so you should consult your West Houston dentist if you feel your headaches are caused by TMJ. Dr. Gennero has the expertise to treat TMJ disorder and can ask specific questions to determine the origin of your headaches.
TMJ disorder is often caused by grinding and clenching of the teeth. Custom nightguards can retrain the jaw to stop clenching, alleviating the pain associated with this disorder. Reducing stress, avoiding hard or chewy foods, and applying ice to the problem areas of the jaw are also good ways to avoid the complications of TMJ disorder. In most cases, your doctor or dentist will be able to determine the course of action best suited to your needs.
We Can Help
If you can’t find relief from your chronic headaches and feel they may be caused by TMJ disorder, contact Dr. Deborah Gennero today at (281) 578-6200. We look forward to serving patients from the West Houston and Katy areas.