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Dealing with Horrible Headaches Caused by your TMJs


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Categories :Bruxism, TMJ Disorder

TMJ HeadachesAre you one of the millions of people in the United States suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD)? Specific causes of this chronic condition of jaw joint inflammation are sometimes difficult to pinpoint. However, there’s no denying how detrimental the symptoms are to overall quality of life. One of the most commonly reported TMJ symptoms which Houston dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero hears about from patients is headaches. Everyone has a tension headache from time to time, usually easily remedied by a little over-the-counter pain medication. Persistent, pervasive headaches, however (such as migraines) can stop your life cold and have you unable to get out of bed. If your TMJs are to blame, treatment will need to answer to that inflammation and jaw clenching if you want headaches to cease.

Defining TMJ Disorder

Headaches which begin from TMD often mimic other types of headaches (sinus, tension, or migraines). Properly diagnosing this disorder is difficult in some cases because of the many ways that TMJ pain can radiate to other seemingly unrelated parts of your body. A TMJ headache is triggered by a number of different things such as: (more…)

Is Gum Chewing Giving Teenagers Headaches?


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Mouth-Pain-FrustrationGum chewing is a double-edged sword. Amongst the pros are the stimulation of brain activity and the positive dental health benefits when you chew sugarless gum with xylitol. Adolescents and teenagers are generally attracted to gum chewing at a higher rate than the average adult. Unfortunately, there are cons to this habit (especially if the gum being chewed is chock full of sugar). Recent research has uncovered a new downfall to constant gum indulgences in teenagers: exacerbation of migraine headaches. Houston, TX family dentist Dr. Deborah Gennerro will bear this in mind the next time she hears a young patient complain of unexplained headaches. (more…)

Houston Dentist Discusses Treatment Options for TMJ Disorder


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Across America, millions of people suffer from a serious medical issue known as TMJ disorder, or TMD. Over time, this disorder causes inflammation in the jaw joints, leading to difficulty chewing or even speaking. Fortunately, treatment is available to address the painful symptoms of TMD. In today’s blog, your Houston dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero, explains the causes of TMJ disorder and recommends a simple and minimally invasive treatment option.


Houston Dentist Explains the Link Between TMD and Earaches


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Categories :TMJ Disorder


Have you started noticing frequent ringing in your ears? Do you experience constant earaches? Do you try pain relievers and home remedies, but the aches never go away? You may be exhibiting symptoms of a more serious issue. Earaches and ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus, are common signs of TMJ disorder. Your Houston cosmetic dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero, explains TMJ disorder and treatment options in today’s blog.


Houston Dentist on Headaches and Jaw Pain


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Woman-With-Headache-300x200There are many different possible reasons for a headache.  There are also many possible reasons for having pain in your jaw.  For many people, headaches and jaw pain are temporary, if annoying conditions.  However, for some, the headaches and jaw pain cause long-lasting misery.  If your jaw pain and headaches are persistent, you might have a condition called TMJ.  Your Houston dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero, discusses the symptoms of TMJ and what treatments might offer relief.

What is TMJ

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint.  Disorders in the joint are called both TMJ and TMD.  No matter what it is called, it can cause great suffering for victims.  Headaches and jaw aches are just two of the many symptoms of TMJ.  The condition can also cause neck aches, difficulty chewing, facial swelling, earache, and a number of other problems in the head and neck area.  Unfortunately, the exact cause of TMJ is not known, though it is suspected to be the result of several possible problems, including teeth grinding or clinching, bruxism, arthritis, or an injury to the jaw.


Houston Dentist Educates on Gum Chewing


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ChewingGum1-300x200As Halloween approaches, children are sure to gain access to countless lumps of sugary bubblegum from trick-or-treating. Gum chewing has a reputation of being bad for your teeth. Even sugarless gum, when chewed excessively, can lead to tempormandibular joint disorder (TMD) in some patients. Your Houston dentist, Dr. Gennero, has some information that can allow you have your gum, and chew it too.

Switch to Sugarless Gum to Prevent Tooth Decay

If you are going to chew gum regularly, choose sugarless varieties. Of all of the sweet treats likely to end up in your child’s plastic pumpkin on Halloween night, gum made with sugar is one of the worst culprits for causing tooth decay. Chewing sugary gum gives longer exposure to the harmful effects that sucrose causes your teeth. The good news is you can swap out all of that bubblegum for a sugar-free facsimile that will make all of you happy, and ensure healthy smiles. (more…)

West Houston Dentist Shares The Facts About TMJ Headaches


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tmj-headaches-migraines-tmd-300x200Millions of Americans suffer from temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, disorder. While the exact cause of this chronic condition can be difficult to pinpoint, the effects can be detrimental to your overall quality of life. One common symptom associated with TMJ disorder is chronic and severe headaches. Since many people don’t realize their headaches may be caused by TMJ disorder, Dr. Deborah Gennero would like to shed some light on this issue and share facts that may be helpful to you or your loved ones.

Recognizing TMJ Disorder

Since TMJ headaches can mimic other types of headaches such as sinus, tension, or migraine headaches, many patients are misdiagnosed. A TMJ headache may be triggered by a number of different things such as clenching or grinding teeth, poor posture, jaw trauma, or hormonal changes. Properly diagnosing this disorder may be difficult in some cases, so you should consult your West Houston dentist if you feel your headaches are caused by TMJ. Dr. Gennero has the expertise to treat TMJ disorder and can ask specific questions to determine the origin of your headaches.


TMJ disorder is often caused by grinding and clenching of the teeth. Custom nightguards can retrain the jaw to stop clenching, alleviating the pain associated with this disorder. Reducing stress, avoiding hard or chewy foods, and applying ice to the problem areas of the jaw are also good ways to avoid the complications of TMJ disorder. In most cases, your doctor or dentist will be able to determine the course of action best suited to your needs.

We Can Help

If you can’t find relief from your chronic headaches and feel they may be caused by TMJ disorder, contact Dr. Deborah Gennero today at (281) 578-6200. We look forward to serving patients from the West Houston and Katy areas.

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