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Houston, TX Dentist Suggest Five Ways to Get Happy


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Which comes first: the smile, or the feeling of happiness? Many people believe that a smile is a result of feeling happy, when in fact, the act of smiling can actually bring about happiness. A research study in England found that smiling produces endorphins that would be similar to winning a large sum of money. If you are feeling blue this fall, your Houston, TX dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero, offers you five suggestions of activities that should make you feel like smiling more.

Five Ways to Feel Happy

  1. Keep a journal – You’re reading a blog right now, but you can write one, too. Having an outlet to write your thoughts and share them with the masses through the internet can bring about happiness. When you receive positive and affirming comments on your blog, you’re likely to feel even happier.
  2. Make sure you’re getting vitamin D – Serotonin is a hormone that makes you feel good, but when you don’t get enough sun, your levels can be low, and bring on a feeling of sadness. Ever hear of the winter blues? People that live in parts of the world that don’t see a lot of sunshine in colder months should be sure to take a daily vitamin D supplement to keep that smile on their faces.
  3. Schedule a dentist appointment – Have you ever walked out of the dentist’s office feeling like a new person? Other doctor’s appointments can have the same affect. Whether you’re due for a checkup, a dermatology procedure you’ve been putting off, or a physical with your general physician, overall health maintenance and preventive measures can put a happy spring in your step.
  4. Have a dance party – Think you’d feel foolish if you got caught dancing around your living room? Well, that might be, but according to Alice Domar, PhD, director of the Domar Center for Mind/Body Health in Waltham, Massachusetts, music activates pleasure centers in your brain, and movement releases mood elevating endorphins.
  5. Just go for it and fix your smile – If issues with your teeth make you feel embarrassed to smile, and you’ve always wanted to opt for cosmetic dentistry, maybe it’s time to make that appointment. A cosmetic dentist has the ability to do a complete smile makeover, using procedures like dental bonding, porcelain veneers, dental implants, teeth whitening, and tooth colored fillings and crowns to create a look you’ll want to grin about.

Cosmetic Procedures from Houston, TX Dentist

To schedule an appointment with your Houston, TX dentist, contact our  77084 dental office call us at (281) 578-6200. Also, visit our website for services, patient forms, and to learn more about the team. We gladly welcome patients from Clear Lake, The Woodlands, Katy, Sugarland, and surrounding cities.

Houston, TX Children’s Dentist Shares Facts about Tooth Decay


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shutterstock_112352864-300x200Tooth decay is one of the leading dental ailments amongst children. Primary teeth, or baby teeth, can’t fight disease as effectively as adult teeth can. In other words, kids have less resilient teeth, and therefore, have a greater likelihood of developing tooth decay and cavities. However, with the proper oral care, you kids can fight off the onset of tooth decay at a young age.

In this fun and informative article, Dr. Deborah Gennero, your Houston, TX children’s dentist, shares some facts about childhood tooth decay.

Quick Facts about Tooth Decay

  • It’s the leading childhood illness. Childhood tooth decay is more common than hay fever and asthma, by seven and five times, respectively.
  • Untreated decay leads to greater issues. Just like amongst adults, leaving tooth decay untreated causes more problems. For example, untreated tooth decay amongst children can lead to difficulties speaking, eating, and even learning. Additionally, kids also become more susceptible to heart disease and pneumonia if their tooth decay isn’t eliminated.
  • Decay doesn’t end with baby teeth. Many parents believe that baby teeth don’t matter because those fall out anyway. Yet, if the baby teeth become damaged, the adult teeth have a greater likelihood of becoming plagued with disease. In fact, if baby teeth fall out due to an excess of decay before it’s time, adult teeth become more susceptible to decay in the future.

Preventing Tooth Decay Amongst Kids

The best way to help stave off childhood tooth decay is by taking your kids to your Houston, TX children’s dentist at any early age. By establishing sound oral care habits, your kids can learn to appreciate the value of healthy smiles.

Additionally, make sure to follow-up on those healthy habits at home. Take care to set up a regular teeth cleaning routine at least twice a day. If your kids need a little extra motivation, brush your teeth with them. Watching you brush shows them that you’re willing to maintain the same habits.

For Childhood Tooth Decay Prevention, Visit Your Houston, TX Dentist

If you would like more prevention tips to ward off childhood tooth decay, contact Dr. Gennero. She can explain the main causes of tooth decay amongst children to protect your children from enduring it. To schedule an appointment with your Houston, TX children’s dentist, call us at (281) 578-6200. Also, visit our website for services, patient forms, and to learn more about the team. We gladly welcome patients from Clear Lake, The Woodlands, Katy, Sugarland, and surrounding cities.

Houston, TX Dentist Provides Facts about Cosmetic Dentistry


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shutterstock_137758772-300x246Did you know that cosmetic dentistry has become one of the most popular branches of dentistry? In fact, with the number of procedures available, it’s one of the best ways to make your smile flawless.

Dr. Deborah Gennero, your Houston, TX cosmetic dentist, shares some common facts about cosmetic dentistry for patients who have an interest in undergoing a few procedures.

What You Probably Didn’t Know about Cosmetic Dentistry

  1. Cosmetic dentistry is also restorative. Even though cosmetic dentistry is elective, some restorative dental procedures also classify as cosmetic. For example, composite resin allows cavity fillings to go unnoticed. Yet, the tooth is freed of decay and becomes perfectly restored.
  2. More than just aesthetics. Having a great smile is more than just showcasing sound oral health. Studies have proven that people with a beautiful smile tend to appear smarter, friendlier, successful, and even more interesting. Furthermore, researchers have found that an employer is more than likely to promote and employee with a nice-looking smile than one with a less-than-perfect smile.
  3. Create uniformity. As aforementioned, cosmetic dentistry is sometimes considered restorative dentistry, which extends to dental implants, too. Patients with dental implants can prevent future tooth loss by replacing their missing tooth roots. However, alongside restoring your mouth’s functionality, you’re able to regain a uniform smile. Since a dental implant is typically made from porcelain material, you’re able to color-match the implant to your surrounding natural teeth.
  4. Veneers have corrected many Hollywood smiles. The ever-popular porcelain veneers have been known to completely transform smiles. In fact, many actors and singers can attribute their smiles to veneers. These Hollywood smiles include the ones of George Clooney, Miley Cyrus, and even Nicholas Cage.

For Cosmetic Dental Procedures, Visit Your Houston, TX Dentist

If you’re interested in having a cosmetic dental procedure and would like more information, contact Dr. Gennero. She explain the types of cosmetic procedures available and help you choose the most effective ones for you. To schedule an appointment with your Houston, TX cosmetic dentist, call us at (281) 578-6200. Also, visit our website for services, patient forms, and to learn more about the team. We gladly welcome patients from Clear Lake, The Woodlands, Katy, Sugarland, and surrounding cities.

Top-Rated Floss from Your Houston, TX General Dentist


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shutterstock_151699403-300x205Imagine this: you’re in the oral care aisle searching for floss. Each package promises it’s the most effective, gentle, and best tasting floss on the market. Yet, while each floss sounds convincing, you’re still unsure of which to choose.

With this article, you can learn the top-ranked flosses available, from your Houston, TX general dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero.

Flosses that Outrank the Rest

  • Glide Comfort Plus. As far as dental floss goes, Oral-B’s glide tends to top the list. With a strong nylon material to effectively remove plaque, this floss is gentle on the gums to prevent damage. Additionally, the waxy surface makes it easy to reach between tight spaces; plus, the floss is shred resistant with a clean, minty taste.
  • Dr. Tung’s Smart Floss. The smart floss has its name for a reason—it’s truly smart! When pulled and released, this floss expands to clear out a wider area between teeth. Moreover, Dr. Tung’s floss works quite excellently amongst large spaces. As per clinical reviews, the smart floss is 40% more effective at cleaning teeth than any other floss brand. With a number of fresh flavors, from cinnamon to mint, your Houston, TX general dentist recommends definitely trying this floss.
  • Oral-B Complete Deep Clean. Another Oral-B success is this the complete deep clean floss. The material also stretches, which makes this floss more flexible than most others. Furthermore, the floss comes textured to grip food particles and plaque with ease and the each piece is earmarked at the perfect length. This way you only use exactly what you need without wasting any floss.
  • Reach Total Care. This brand of floss seems to combine the best of the Oral-B complete deep clean and glide comfort plus. The stretchy, shred-resistant material contours between teeth with its micro-grooves. In other words, the floss contains microscopic grooves that allow lingering particles to latch onto the floss, which means a cleaner smile.
  • Oral-B Super Floss. The super floss works best for dental work, such as, braces and bridge work. The thicker design reaches below the gum line to pull out any food debris or plaque that’s started to accumulate. With a spongy material to bend and glide through teeth, super floss leaves your smile flawlessly clean.

Houston, TX Dentist about Proper Oral Care

For more information on proper oral care, talk to Dr. Gennero. She can provide a list of products that have been proven most effective for teeth cleaning purposes. To schedule an appointment with your Houston, TX general dentist, call us at (281) 578-6200. Also, visit our website for services, patient forms, and to learn more about the team. We gladly welcome patients from Clear Lake, The Woodlands, Katy, Sugarland, and surrounding cities.

Eating Disorders Affect Teeth, Says Houston, TX Dentist


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Having an eating disorder is a serious disease that stems from misconceived mental thoughts about one’s self-image. Those who suffer from an eating disorder not only suffer with unhappy thoughts about themselves, they inflict damage to their bodies and smiles. In fact, many extreme cases of eating disorders have resulted in multiple tooth extractions due to tooth decay caused by acid erosion.

Dr. Deborah Gennero, your Houston, TX dentist, discusses the effects of eating disorders on overall and oral health in this blog.

Types of Eating Disorders

  • Anorexia. Patience who suffer from anorexia, have an incredible fear of becoming fat or gaining even the slightest amount of weight. Regardless of what their actual weight is, these patients refer to themselves as fat and even obese. To control their fears, anorexic patients go through bouts of extreme fasting, which only includes drinking water. Paired with their lack of eating, anorexic patients also exercise excessively.
    Additionally, when their hunger overtakes, anorexic patients binge and then purge, similar to those who suffer from bulimia. According to your
    Houston, TX dentist, this persistent purging causes damage to the enamel, since it’s making frequent contact with stomach acid.
  • Bulimia. Patients with bulimia share similar traits to those with anorexia. However, rather than the occasional bout of binging and purging, bulimia patients do this daily—sometimes even multiple times a day.
    For example, a bulimia sufferer will gorge on foods high in fat and carbs. Then, once they’ve finished eating, a great sense of guilt overtakes them. Thus, these patients utilize laxatives and vomiting to rid their bodies of the food they have consumed. As aforementioned, the purging exposes teeth and oral tissues to stomach acids. Yet, with bulimia patients the effects of acid erosion on teeth is worsened since purging occurs daily.

Talk to Your Houston, TX Dentist Restoring Your Smile

If you’ve recently overcome an eating disorder and would like more information on repairing your smile, talk to Dr. Gennero. She can listen to your situation and devise a treatment plan that can make your smile beautiful again. To schedule an appointment with your Houston, TX dentist, call us at (281) 578-6200. Also, visit our website for services, patient forms, and to learn more about the team. We gladly welcome patients from Clear Lake, The Woodlands, Katy, Sugarland, and surrounding cities.

Cough Syrup Can Cause Cavities, Says Houston, TX Dentist


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shutterstock_72001891-300x271Oftentimes, when children need antibiotics, the medicine is prescribed in liquid form, since most kids can’t swallow a pill. However, as an adult, you should opt for pill-based medicines whenever possible. Drinking cough medicine or other liquid-based medicines doesn’t bode well for teeth. In fact, frequent exposure to syrupy medication can lead to more visits to the dentist.

To teach her patients about the effects of liquid medicine on teeth, Dr. Deborah Gennero, the lead dentist of your Houston, TX dentist office, provides this blog post.

What’s the Link Between Cough Syrup and Tooth Decay?

When medicine was first introduced into the market, you had one choice: liquid, bottled medicine. It wasn’t pleasant tasting and the common remedy was to have a spoonful of sugar afterward. As time progressed, liquid medicine formula changed and became tastier and easier to take. With fruity flavors, like, grape, orange, and cherry, the days of cringe-worthy medicine were over.

Unfortunately, the improved taste was the addition of corn syrup and sucrose, which oral bacteria feed upon and inevitably leads to cavities. Additionally, syrupy medicines contain citric acid, which promotes the breakdown of tooth enamel. With prolonged use, the acidity combined with sugar can cause tooth decay.

Steps to Prevent Damage to Your Smile

In order stave off any damage to your teeth, take these precautionary measures when taking liquid-based medicines.

  1. Take liquid medicine during mealtimes rather than before bedtime to ensure your mouth has plenty of saliva to ward off the effects of the syrup.
  2. Rinse your mouth with water or chew sugar-free gum after taking the medicine. If it’s possible, brush your teeth and rinse with a fluoridated mouthwash.
  3. Whenever possible, your Houston, TX dentist office suggests opting for the pill-based version of the medication, which shouldn’t negatively affect your oral health.

Talk to Houston, TX Dentist about Liquid Medications

Before opting for medications, consider your oral health. Dr. Gennero can detail the dental benefits of taking pill-based medications rather than using the liquid variety. To schedule an appointment with our Houston, TX dentist office, call us at (281) 578-6200. Also, visit our website for services, patient forms, and to learn more about the team. We gladly welcome patients from Clear Lake, The Woodlands, Katy, Sugarland, and surrounding cities.

Facts to Know about Clear Braces, from Your Houston, TX Dentist


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shutterstock_45879607-300x200Patients who want a straighter smiles have probably looked into a clear braces alternative to traditional braces, such as Invisalign or ClearCorrect. If you’ve been looking for professional advice about either product, this article may help. Dr. Deborah Gennero, your Houston, TX dentist gives her patients a few facts about clear braces.

Some Quick Trivia about Clear Braces

  • No metal required. Almost everyone knows that with traditional braces comes metal brackets and wires. While many patients seek the metal-based route, many adults would rather a more subtle method to align their smiles. With clear braces, your orthodontic treatment goes practically undetected.
  • Completely removable. When a patient commits to metal braces, those components stay in place for at least a year—in more extreme cases, up-to three years. Having the metal brackets in place makes eating and brushing quite difficult. However, with clear braces, you can remove the aligners whenever you wish. Eating and brushing is effortless since you don’t wear aligners for those activities.
  • Reduced irritation. No metal means minimal irritation. When patients first receive metal braces, the components tend to cut and scratch their gums, cheeks, and tongue quite often. Yet, the clear aligners don’t pose that problem.
  • Less treatment time. Depending upon the patient, your Houston, TX dentist estimates that a clear braces treatment can take anywhere from nine to 15 months to complete. Furthermore, you’ll only require 18 to 30 aligners in that time.
  • See your smile before beginning treatment. Digital imagining takes a key role in creation the of your clear braces; since patients need to undergo a number of fittings and measurements before they receive their first set of aligners, a computer houses the final appearance of your teeth. This way, patients can view their smiles even before the treatment starts.

Ask Your Houston, TX Dentist If You Qualify for Invisalign Braces

If you’ve considered having clear braces to correct your smile, consult with Dr. Gennero. She can explain how this method of orthodontic alignment works and how long it should take you to complete treatment. To schedule an appointment with our Houston, TX dental office, call us at (281) 578-6200. Also, visit our website for services, patient forms, and to learn more about the team. We gladly welcome patients from Clear Lake, The Woodlands, Katy, Sugarland, and surrounding cities.

Learn More about Invisalign Braces, from Your Houston, TX Dentist


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shutterstock_100322954-300x241Do you needs braces, yet don’t want to suffer through metal brackets and wires? Then you should consider Invisalign braces. This clear alternative to braces is the most preferred method of orthodontic treatment amongst adults. Dr. Deborah Gennero, your Houston, TX dentist provides her patients with information about Invisalign braces.

What Makes Invisalign Different from Traditional Braces?

Traditional braces straighten teeth with semi-permanently bonded brackets connected to wires that require periodic tightening. While this method of orthodontic treatment is quite effective, it’s far from inconspicuous. Plus, adults who require braces, usually don’t want to suffer through two years worth of metal-based orthodontic care.

Invisalign is the clear solution to braces. In other words, rather than sporting brackets and wires, patients correct their smiles with a series of plastic aligners that look similar to a clear retainer. Throughout the treatment, you’re given a set of aligners that require replacement every two weeks. As the weeks progress, your smile slowly transforms before your eyes. Additionally, patients with Invisalign braces can eat and clean their teeth with ease, yet still receive the orthodontic care they require.

Disadvantages to Invisalign Braces

Though these clear aligners do provide a number of benefits, patients should know Invisalign does have a few limitations. These include:

  • Invisalign treatment tends to take longer than traditional orthodontic care does. Since the aligners require removal during mealtimes and general teeth cleaning, consistency is lost. Unlike metal braces, which stay in place, the clear aligners slow down progress during each removal.
  • Patients with nighttime teeth grinding or clenching habits tend to damage the aligners; traditional braces discourage the continuation those habits since the metal can cause damage to oral tissues.
  • For severely misaligned or gapped teeth, patients may require metal braces. Invisalign is meant for mild alignment ailments, such as: minor gaps, overbites, and underbites, and some crossbites. However, an openbite is an issue only metal braces can tackle.
  • Invisalign is more expensive than traditional orthodontic treatment. Oftentimes, insurance may not pay for Invisalign since it’s considered the more cosmetic option to braces.

Talk to Your Houston, TX Dentist about Orthodontic Treatment

For more information about Invisalign braces, talk to Dr. Gennero. She can explain how this method of orthodontic alignment works and how long it takes to complete treatment. To schedule an appointment with our Houston, TX dental office, call us at (281) 578-6200. Also, visit our website for services, patient forms, and to learn more about the team. We gladly welcome patients from Clear Lake, The Woodlands, Katy, Sugarland, and surrounding cities.

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