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Dealing With Sensitive Teeth in West Houston


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Sensitivity-300x300September is National Blueberry Popsicle Month, however, when you have sensitive teeth, eating a popsicle can be the equivalent of biting into a thumb tack. Trigger foods for sensitive teeth include cold, hot, sour, or sweet delicacies. Today, Dr. Gennero discusses the cause of tooth sensitivity and ways to minimize discomfort if you develop sensitive teeth.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Ideally, the hard outer layer of your tooth, the enamel, is sufficient enough to act as a shield between hot and cold substances and the layer underneath the enamel, called dentin. Dentin is responsible for transmitting temperature sensations to the nerves inside your tooth. In addition, your gums act as protection against extreme temperatures for the roots of your teeth. In a person with sensitive teeth, there is some degree of dentin exposure or gum recession, so trigger foods start to literally get on their nerves.

Brushing Too Much or Not Enough

You might think that you can stave off tooth sensitivity by ramping up your regular brushing routine, but there is a balance. While gum disease and tooth decay are often direct results of poor brushing habits, you are also at risk for sensitive teeth if you brush too often, or too vigorously. Brushing too frequently, or using a hard-bristled toothbrush, can wear down your tooth enamel, which exposes the dentin layer underneath. Brushing too vigorously can eventually lead to gum recession, as well.

Relief for Your Sensitive Teeth

Soft-bristled toothbrushes and desensitizing toothpastes are a good place to start. Additionally, a diet high in acidic foods can obliterate enamel, so avoid substances such as citrus fruits, carbonated sodas, and vinegars if you’re starting to experience sensitivity due to enamel wear. Going to your West Houston dentist every six months for an exam and cleaning is another great idea. Dr. Gennero can assess your particular situation and recommend specific oral health care products that might offer some relief.

If biting into a popsicle has you clutching your jaw in discomfort, now is the time to schedule an appointment with Dr. Gennero. Call our West Houston dentist office at (281) 578-6200. We offer a variety of dentistry services to patients from the West Houston and Katy areas.


West Houston Dentist Answers Dental Sealant FAQs


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Smiling-Child-300x204What are dental sealants, and why are they important?

Dental sealants are thin plastic coatings painted onto the deep grooves of the molars in children and teens. Tooth decay forms when harmful bacteria feed on starches and sugars in the mouth, secreting acid that causes the erosion of tooth enamel. The hard, outer layer of teeth, enamel protects the soft, inner layer called dentin. Sealants protect against cavities by keeping food particles and harmful oral bacteria out of the hard to clean areas of teeth. Because cavities in children and adolescents usually form on the chewing surfaces of molars, sealants can help prevent tooth decay in younger patients.

How are sealants applied, and are they noticeable?

Sealants are relatively easy to apply. We will first clean your children’s teeth. We will then condition the surfaces of teeth with a special gel. After washing and drying each tooth, we then paint the sealants on with a brush. The process takes only a few minutes for each tooth. (more…)

West Houston Dentist Shares The Facts About TMJ Headaches


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tmj-headaches-migraines-tmd-300x200Millions of Americans suffer from temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, disorder. While the exact cause of this chronic condition can be difficult to pinpoint, the effects can be detrimental to your overall quality of life. One common symptom associated with TMJ disorder is chronic and severe headaches. Since many people don’t realize their headaches may be caused by TMJ disorder, Dr. Deborah Gennero would like to shed some light on this issue and share facts that may be helpful to you or your loved ones.

Recognizing TMJ Disorder

Since TMJ headaches can mimic other types of headaches such as sinus, tension, or migraine headaches, many patients are misdiagnosed. A TMJ headache may be triggered by a number of different things such as clenching or grinding teeth, poor posture, jaw trauma, or hormonal changes. Properly diagnosing this disorder may be difficult in some cases, so you should consult your West Houston dentist if you feel your headaches are caused by TMJ. Dr. Gennero has the expertise to treat TMJ disorder and can ask specific questions to determine the origin of your headaches.


TMJ disorder is often caused by grinding and clenching of the teeth. Custom nightguards can retrain the jaw to stop clenching, alleviating the pain associated with this disorder. Reducing stress, avoiding hard or chewy foods, and applying ice to the problem areas of the jaw are also good ways to avoid the complications of TMJ disorder. In most cases, your doctor or dentist will be able to determine the course of action best suited to your needs.

We Can Help

If you can’t find relief from your chronic headaches and feel they may be caused by TMJ disorder, contact Dr. Deborah Gennero today at (281) 578-6200. We look forward to serving patients from the West Houston and Katy areas.

Healthy Smile for a Healthy Heart in Houston


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Healthy-SmileA beautiful smile will give you confidence, but appearance isn’t the only reason you should keep your teeth healthy. For years, research has shown a significant connection between oral health and overall health. Houston dentist Dr. Deborah Gennero agrees that the oral-systemic connection  is a solid reason to prioritize oral health. If left unchecked, the bacteria in your mouth can lead to periodontal disease, commonly called gum disease. In fact, 80% of Americans have some level of this chronic condition. Studies show, gum disease increases the risk for developing a number of systemic health conditions.

Oral-Systemic Research

Since the likelihood of heart disease doubles in patients with periodontal disease, it is extremely important that we understand the relationship between our oral health and our hearts. In the past, dentists have suggested several theories to explain this connection. One theory dictates that oral bacteria can enter the bloodstream from the mouth, attach to fatty plaques in the coronary arteries, and cause clots to form around the heart. These clots can lead to more serious conditions, such as heart attack or stroke. One specific example is lipopolysaccharides, which can enter the blood stream through the mouth and damage to the inner walls of human blood cells.

Poor oral health is the primary cause of gum disease, though medications and other environmental factors also cause gum disease. For most of us, the first step to deterring periodontal disease and the associated overall health risks involves daily oral care at home.

ADA Guidelines for Oral Home Care

Brushing and flossing twice a day are essential for fighting plaque before it has a chance to accumulate at the gum line and between teeth. Plaque left in the mouth for 48 hours calcifies into tartar, or calculus, an insoluble substance that should be removed by a dental hygienist. You should schedule a dental checkup every six months so that Dr. Gennero can monitor your oral health and address any concerns early, when minimally invasive treatment is most effective. Along with checkups, at six-month dental cleanings, our hygienist will evaluate your gum health, clean plaque and tartar from your teeth, and consult with you on how to maintain great oral health.

Put Your Health in Our Hands

Ready to take a step towards greater oral health? We offer a complete range of dental services, so contact Deborah Gennero, DDS, at (281)578-6200 today to schedule your first visit or six-month checkup and cleaning. Dr. Gennero serves patients in the greater Houston and Katy areas by providing exceptional dental care in a beautiful and relaxing environment.


TMJ Disorders in Greater Houston


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Categories :General Dentistry

TMJWe use our jaws to eat, drink, and talk. If our jaw hurts, it can affect seemingly every aspect of our lives. Aside from being a pain in the…jaw, temporomandibular joint disorders, commonly called TMJ disorders or TMD, can cause headaches and neck pain. Today, our Katy dentist Dr. Deborah Gennero shares some facts about TMJ disorders, along with some tips on how to help keep from developing them.

More than Jaw Pain

Patients with TMJ disorders often complain of facial pain or tenderness, pain in the neck and shoulders, and/or pain in the ears when chewing or talking. TMJ disorders can also cause clicking or popping in the jaw or the feeling that the jaw is locked either open or closed. Patients can experience difficulty chewing, as well as facial swelling. Other symptoms typically described by people suffering from TMJ disorders are:

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Ringing in the ears
  • ToothachesTMJ Disorders in Greater Houston
  • Earaches
  • Hearing problems

Causes of TMJ Disorders

The cause of TMJ disorders isn’t always clear, but dentists believe they are commonly caused by problems with the jaw muscles or the joint itself. Trauma to the jaw, jaw joint, head, or neck can cause TMJ disorders. The following factors can also cause them:

  • Bruxism—grinding or clenching the teeth can stress the TMJ
  • Stress—stress can cause us to tighten our facial muscles and grind our teeth
  • Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis in the TMJ
  • Malocclusion, or misaligned bite

How to Prevent TMJ Disorders

Since the cause of TMJ isn’t always apparent, it’s impossible to fully prevent TMJ disorders, but there are a few steps you can take to keep from experiencing pain in your jaw joint.

  • Avoid chewing gum, toothpicks, ice, pens, or paper clips. Also, don’t eat hard or chewy foods that can overwork your jaw.
  • If you are a bruxer, or nighttime teeth grinder, consider seeing your dentist to address that problem. Your dentist might be able to fit you with a mouthguard or bite splint to deter you from grinding your teeth.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are experiencing jaw pain, considering contacting Dr. Gennero for a consultation. She offers bite splints and mouthguards, in addition to many other dental services. To schedule an appointment, call our Katy dental office at (281) 578-6200. We serve Katy, West Houston, Sugarland, Clear Lake, The Woodlands, and the greater Houston area.

Hello, Houston


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Categories :General Dentistry

Dr. Deborah Gennero believes that educated patients make the best patients. Our blog will help keep patients up to date with the latest news in dentistry, health, and nutrition so that each patient can make informed decisions about his or her own health and family’s health. Before our Houston dentist Dr. Gennero begins sharing that information with you, she would like for you to know a little bit about her and her practice.

Meet Dr. Gennero

Houston dentist Dr. Deborah has operated a private practice in Park Ten for the past 17 years. She graduated from the University of Texas at San Antonio, with a major in biology and a minor in chemistry.She then attended the University of Texas Dental Branch in Houston, where she graduated in 1985 with a doctor of dental surgery degree.

Dr. Gennero is a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry, an honor that requires 500 hours of continuing education and a passing exam score. Fellowship is granted to only about five percent of practicing dentists. She currently is an accreditation candidate with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

She is married to Dr. Craig Curd, an endodontist with Houston Endodontic Specialists. Dr. Gennero has three sons: Tyler,  Hunter, and Chanceller. Dr. Gennero has lived in Katy for the past 25 years. (more…)

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