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Houston Children’s Dentist: Maintaining Your Little One’s Dental Health


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kidbrushingteeth-300x200To keep their smile beautiful, your children’s teeth require constant care. Many parents don’t realize that dental care for their child can begin as early as one year. In today’s blog, your Houston children’s dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero, explains how to protect your little’s one smile.

Importance of Prevention

Dr. Gennero understands that preventive dentistry is the best method of safeguarding your child’s smile. With proper dental habits, parents can help their children reduce the risks of developing tooth decay and gum disease. Once the first baby tooth erupts, you should begin cleaning your little one’s teeth with a wet cloth or gauze. As they grow older, upgrade to an age appropriate toothbrush. Let them pick out a brush with a favorite character on it so they feel involved in the process. Establish a routine, brushing twice a day using a non-fluoridated tooth paste. Instilling good dental habits at an early age helps your child maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Proper Nutrition

A balanced diet not only improves your child’s health, but proper nutrition aids in the prevention of cavities. Try to avoid foods and drinks high in sugars and other starches. Bacteria in your child’s mouth break down sugars and food particles, which increases the presence of oral acids. These acids weaken tooth enamel, and over time, leave teeth vulnerable to tooth decay. Replace candy and soda with fresh fruits and water.

Checkups and Cleanings

When your child visits Dr. Gennero, she can ensure teeth are coming in correctly and watch for warning signs dental issues. Early detection helps prevent the need for costly and invasive procedures in the future. Dr. Gennero can also offer fluoride treatments to increase to the strength of your child’s tooth enamel, and provide dental sealants. Composed of special plastic resin, sealants are applied to the teeth most susceptible to teeth decay and hardest to reach when a child brushes. Dental sealants can assist in avoiding  tooth decay.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Houston Children’s Dentist

Remember, attending regular checkups and cleanings with your Houston children’s dentist can help protect your child’s smile. Call Dr. Gennero today for a consultation by contacting our Houston dentist office at (281) 578-6200. We are proud to offer comprehensive dentistry to patients from Clear Lake to The Woodlands, including Katy, West Houston, Sugarland, the 77084 zip code, and surrounding neighborhoods.

Houston Dentist: Caring for Little Smiles


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Categories :Family Dentistry


Parents love seeing their little one smile, and they want to keep that smile healthy and bright. Did you know a child’s dental care begins the moment the first tooth arrives? In today’s blog, your Houston children’s dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero, gives tips on caring for your child’s smile.

First Visit

Once the first primary tooth erupts, parents should bring their baby in for a visit with Dr. Gennero. This visit allows Dr. Gennero to ensure that teeth are coming in properly, and check for any signs of dental issues. Typically, no treatments are administered during this visit, but occasionally Dr. Gennero may clean your baby’s teeth or possibly apply a fluoride treatment to strengthen tooth enamel. Mainly, the first dentist visit is a chance for your child to become accustomed to the dentist office, and meet Dr. Gennero and our staff. Parents should always bring their children in for regular checkups and cleanings as advised by Dr. Gennero. Your child learns proper dental habits, and routine visits help prevent dental anxiety.

Brushing and Flossing

Even if your baby only has a single tooth, you should begin instilling good dental habits. Using an age appropriate toothbrush and fluoride-free toothpaste, gently brush your child’s teeth. Soon, your little one will become used to brushing. As they get older, proper dental care becomes a habit they can easily maintain.

Avoid Baby Bottle Decay

For infants and toddlers, a common, and serious, dental issue is baby bottle decay. Also know as bottle rot, baby bottle decay occurs when a child begins exhibiting signs of serious tooth decay. To protect their teeth, never let your child go to bed or take a nap with a bottle or sippy cup of anything but water. When you sleep, saliva production decreases, and the sugars in milk and juice coat the teeth. As bacteria break down the sugar, oral acids increase.  Soon, tooth enamel is weakened and your baby’s teeth become vulnerable to tooth decay.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Houston Dentist

Remember, regular checkups and cleanings help protect your children’s smiles. Call Dr. Gennero today for a consultation by contacting our Houston dentist office at (281) 578-6200. We are proud to offer comprehensive dentistry to patients from Clear Lake to The Woodlands, including Katy, West Houston, Sugarland, the 77084 zip code, and surrounding neighborhoods.

Houston Dentist Describes Your Baby’s First Visit


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Categories :Family Dentistry


For a mom, nothing brightens your day like your child’s smile. With proper dental care, parents can help keep their children’s smiles healthy and beautiful. Some parents don’t realize that their baby’s first dentist visit may be necessary as early as 12 months. In today’s blog, Houston children’s dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero, explains what to expect during your child’s first dentist visit.


Houston Dentist on Weight Loss and Dental Health


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The most frequent New Year’s resolutions people make usually involve weight loss. Not only is losing weight good for your heart and waistline, but dropping pounds also benefits your dental health. In today’s blog, Houston family dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero, explains how weight loss can help improve and protect your smile.


Houston Dentist Discusses Holiday Meals and Your Teeth


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Thanksgiving-300x200There’s little doubt that the holiday season is the eating season. From the big Thanksgiving dinner that many enjoyed last month to the various parties throughout December, to another feast for many on Christmas Day, many people will be consuming more food than normal between now and New Year’s. But even as you enjoy that glass of eggnog or those Christmas cookies, it’s important to keep what all that sugar is doing to your teeth in mind. Your Houston and Katy dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero, discusses what happens to sugar once it’s in the mouth and what you can do to make sure your teeth are healthy and strong into 2013.

Sugar, Bacteria, and Your Teeth

By itself, the sugar found in pies, cakes, fudge, and other holiday treats does not harm your teeth. However, it does provide a potent food source for the millions of microscopic bacteria that live in your mouth. After consuming the sugar, the bacteria release an acidic by-product. Unfortunately, that acid just happens to be able to destroy your tooth enamel. It is the acid that is the chief culprit in tooth decay.


Houston Dentist Suggests We Look at Apples in a New Light


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Biting into a crisp, tangy apple is one of those quintessential fall activities. Most of us feel great about choosing an apple as a supposedly healthy snack for our children or ourselves. After all, isn’t that apple keeping the doctor away? Well, the nutrients in apples are certainly good for our bodies, but apples have some qualities that are not ideal in terms of dental health: sugar and acid. Your Houston dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero, explains why the timing of eating apples can save you from permanently damaging your teeth.

The Modern Apple is Just Too Sweet

Technology has an important place in our society. Unfortunately, we sometimes use our knowledge in odd ways. Take the apple, for example. Through cross-breeding, we have managed to raise the sugar content of apples by 50% over the years, so that consumers will have access to a sweeter apple. Research by the U.S. Department of Agriculture uncovered the fact that modern apples now have the equivalent of four teaspoons of sugar. While sugar is a well-known contributor to cavities, many of us don’t realize that the effects of acid on teeth can be just as damaging. (more…)

Houston Dentist Educates on Gum Chewing


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ChewingGum1-300x200As Halloween approaches, children are sure to gain access to countless lumps of sugary bubblegum from trick-or-treating. Gum chewing has a reputation of being bad for your teeth. Even sugarless gum, when chewed excessively, can lead to tempormandibular joint disorder (TMD) in some patients. Your Houston dentist, Dr. Gennero, has some information that can allow you have your gum, and chew it too.

Switch to Sugarless Gum to Prevent Tooth Decay

If you are going to chew gum regularly, choose sugarless varieties. Of all of the sweet treats likely to end up in your child’s plastic pumpkin on Halloween night, gum made with sugar is one of the worst culprits for causing tooth decay. Chewing sugary gum gives longer exposure to the harmful effects that sucrose causes your teeth. The good news is you can swap out all of that bubblegum for a sugar-free facsimile that will make all of you happy, and ensure healthy smiles. (more…)

Houston Dentist Warns Against Over-Consumption of Sports Drinks


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SportsDrinks-300x217Last week, we discussed the importance of protecting teeth from high-impact injuries in athletics. Beverages that are marketed to athletes can present an entirely different hazard to the teeth. Sports and energy drinks have been under fire lately for their extremely high acidity levels. Dr. Deborah Gennero, your Houston family dentist, recommends that you think twice before guzzling any liquid that causes so much damage to your teeth.

Details of the Study

A report published in General Dentistry explained how research was conducted to simulate the effect that sports and energy drinks have on teeth. Samples of tooth enamel were immersed in the beverages for 15 minutes at a time, and then stored in artificial saliva for two hours. The process was repeated to mimic consumption of four beverages a day, five days in a row. Erosion of tooth enamel was immediately apparent, with carbonated energy drinks causing double the damage. (more…)

Gear Up for Football Season with Athletic Mouthguards


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Football-Player-278x300Football season is here. Unfortunately, harsh training sessions and rigorous games can lead to injuries. Teeth are particularly vulnerable to high impact sports like football. To help protect athlete’s smiles from the blows that are likely to occur, mouth protection is essential. Houston dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero, explains common dental injuries that can result from sports, and how you can protect your smile.

Sports Related Dental Injuries

When the outer layers of your tooth (enamel and dentin) are compromised, you can develop a tooth fracture. Tooth fractures are often minor, such as small chips or cracks, but they can extend into the root. If fractures offer a direct path to the pulp of your teeth, bacteria will have a chance to penetrate the roots and cause serious infection and tooth decay. If you suspect you have a tooth fracture, contact your dentist immediately.

A displaced tooth is one that is nearly knocked out by a hard impact, but still attached by the roots. The tooth will be loose, and possibly twisted into an unusual angle. If the tooth is still attached, that is good news. There is an excellent chance that your dentist can utilize a splint to keep the tooth in proper position while the roots strengthen.

If a tooth is completely severed from the roots, prosthetic replacement is not the only available option available to restore your smile. If you are able to respond quickly, there is a chance that knocked out teeth can be re-implanted. Your best chances of re-implantation will be if the tooth is kept moist by soaking it in milk. The milk will neutralize acid to keep the severed tooth free from bacteria while you travel to your dentist for an emergency appointment. Getting to the dentist within an hour after the tooth is knocked out will improve your chances of keeping your original tooth. (more…)

Dealing With Sensitive Teeth in West Houston


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Sensitivity-300x300September is National Blueberry Popsicle Month, however, when you have sensitive teeth, eating a popsicle can be the equivalent of biting into a thumb tack. Trigger foods for sensitive teeth include cold, hot, sour, or sweet delicacies. Today, Dr. Gennero discusses the cause of tooth sensitivity and ways to minimize discomfort if you develop sensitive teeth.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Ideally, the hard outer layer of your tooth, the enamel, is sufficient enough to act as a shield between hot and cold substances and the layer underneath the enamel, called dentin. Dentin is responsible for transmitting temperature sensations to the nerves inside your tooth. In addition, your gums act as protection against extreme temperatures for the roots of your teeth. In a person with sensitive teeth, there is some degree of dentin exposure or gum recession, so trigger foods start to literally get on their nerves.

Brushing Too Much or Not Enough

You might think that you can stave off tooth sensitivity by ramping up your regular brushing routine, but there is a balance. While gum disease and tooth decay are often direct results of poor brushing habits, you are also at risk for sensitive teeth if you brush too often, or too vigorously. Brushing too frequently, or using a hard-bristled toothbrush, can wear down your tooth enamel, which exposes the dentin layer underneath. Brushing too vigorously can eventually lead to gum recession, as well.

Relief for Your Sensitive Teeth

Soft-bristled toothbrushes and desensitizing toothpastes are a good place to start. Additionally, a diet high in acidic foods can obliterate enamel, so avoid substances such as citrus fruits, carbonated sodas, and vinegars if you’re starting to experience sensitivity due to enamel wear. Going to your West Houston dentist every six months for an exam and cleaning is another great idea. Dr. Gennero can assess your particular situation and recommend specific oral health care products that might offer some relief.

If biting into a popsicle has you clutching your jaw in discomfort, now is the time to schedule an appointment with Dr. Gennero. Call our West Houston dentist office at (281) 578-6200. We offer a variety of dentistry services to patients from the West Houston and Katy areas.


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