Fluoride has become synonymous with properly caring for your teeth. You can find the compound on the ingredient list of most toothpastes and mouthwashes. Children who don’t seem to get enough fluoride are sometimes prescribed supplemental tablets and fluoride treatments. Fluoride works to strengthen tooth enamel topically while also creating a slick and slippery surface on teeth so bacteria cannot stick. Fluoride is offered to our youngest patients by Houston children’s dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero.
Fluoride All Around Us
Fluoride is derived from fluorine, a mineral element that is found in small amounts in air, water, and even some foods. Because it has a natural source, fluoride is considered to be safe as an additive in toothpastes and mouthwashes. Water-fluoridation is even common in many American neighborhoods. The systems are checked on a daily basis to ensure safe levels of fluoride in our drinking water. The American Dental Hygienists’ Association notes that adding fluoride to water in the United States has reduced tooth decay by up to 60% since World War II. (more…)