Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures that Houston cosmetic dentist Dr. Deborah Gennerro performs on her patients. Of course, teeth can become yellow and dull thanks to years of smoking and the natural aging process, but certain foods and drinks directly and quickly contribute to a lackluster smile. Dr. Gennero wants to discuss the foods and drinks you should avoid to keep your smile brighter and whiter.
Five Teeth Staining Foods
1. Coffee and tea: Yes they may give you the caffeine charge you are searching for in the morning (or afternoon) but at what cost? These brown liquids will stain your teeth if you drink them daily. If you can’t live without your daily jolt from coffee or tea, consider drinking them through a straw or at least rinsing your mouth with water after drinking them.
2. Soda: If you aren’t an all-day coffee drinker, you may very well be a ‘round the clock soda sipper. Most sodas are dark or bright in color and also have acid which is unhealthy for your tooth enamel. When acid demineralizes enamel, stains will occur much more easily.
3. Sauces: Soy sauce, tomato sauce, balsamic vinegar, steak sauce – any dark colored sauce you add to your food is something you are essentially adding to your teeth. Try to make sure and brush your teeth after eating these foods to remove stains, but wait for 30 minutes so your tooth enamel is hardened after demineralization from acidic sauces such as spaghetti sauce or vinegar based condiments.
4. Berries: Berries are considered healthy for your body, but not so much for the color of your teeth. The darkness of berries and dark grapes will dull your teeth faster than they would without these things in your diet. Eat with caution.
5. Beets: Yes, they are also terrific for you nutritionally, but try and prepare and consume beets without getting red stains everywhere, including your smile.
Teeth Whitening from Houston Cosmetic Dentist
If you have succumb to stains from the foods you eat, Dr. Gennero can offer you teeth whitening options. To schedule an appointment with our Houston dental office, call us at (281) 578-6200. You can also visit our website for services, patient forms, and to learn more about the team. We gladly welcome patients from Clear Lake, The Woodlands, Katy, Sugarland, and surrounding cities.