When you succumb to dental issues that cause permanent damage to your teeth, or when you lose teeth, your prospects for being able to smile confidently again may seem grim. Nature provides us with a certain number of permanent teeth, and unlike other species, we don’t grow new ones when we lose them in our adult years. There are many ways that we can end up less-than-thrilled with the way our smile looks or feels. Cavities, gum disease, cosmetic issues, misalignments – all of these things can greatly affect your quality of life. Luckily, Houston, TX dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero, can help.
Restorative Dental Procedures
Has tooth decay taken a toll on the health of your teeth? Are you one of the 80% of Americans that has gum disease? Eating, chewing, and speaking can be difficult if your mouth is full of uncomfortable cavities. Severe gum disease is the leading cause of adult tooth loss. Treatment of these infections in imperative for keeping a healthy mouth. Tooth-colored fillings and dental crowns can solve issues of decay and restore teeth back to full function. When teeth are missing, bridges, dentures, and dental implants can turn an incomplete mouth into one full of strong and healthy teeth.
Cosmetic Procedures Galore
If you have gaps that you think look unattractive, or your teeth are just slightly crooked, a simple cosmetic procedure may give you just the results you’re looking for. Dental bonding uses the same material that we utilize for white dental fillings – composite-resin. Perhaps you’re a heavy coffee drinker or tobacco user who has started to become disheartened by dullness or yellow stains on your teeth. Professional teeth whitening (either in the office, or through take-home kits provided by Dr. Gennero) can erase years of stains on your teeth, taking years off of your appearance. If your cosmetic issues go beyond minor, porcelain veneers are a procedure that can provide amazing results when bleaching does not provide the desired effect, or when you want to smooth over cracks and cover up small chips.
Schedule an Appointment with Your Houston General Dentist
Dr. Gennero offers the latest in general dentistry. Contact our Houston dentist office by calling (281) 578-6200.