Imagine this: you’re in the oral care aisle searching for floss. Each package promises it’s the most effective, gentle, and best tasting floss on the market. Yet, while each floss sounds convincing, you’re still unsure of which to choose.
With this article, you can learn the top-ranked flosses available, from your Houston, TX general dentist, Dr. Deborah Gennero.
Flosses that Outrank the Rest
- Glide Comfort Plus. As far as dental floss goes, Oral-B’s glide tends to top the list. With a strong nylon material to effectively remove plaque, this floss is gentle on the gums to prevent damage. Additionally, the waxy surface makes it easy to reach between tight spaces; plus, the floss is shred resistant with a clean, minty taste.
- Dr. Tung’s Smart Floss. The smart floss has its name for a reason—it’s truly smart! When pulled and released, this floss expands to clear out a wider area between teeth. Moreover, Dr. Tung’s floss works quite excellently amongst large spaces. As per clinical reviews, the smart floss is 40% more effective at cleaning teeth than any other floss brand. With a number of fresh flavors, from cinnamon to mint, your Houston, TX general dentist recommends definitely trying this floss.
- Oral-B Complete Deep Clean. Another Oral-B success is this the complete deep clean floss. The material also stretches, which makes this floss more flexible than most others. Furthermore, the floss comes textured to grip food particles and plaque with ease and the each piece is earmarked at the perfect length. This way you only use exactly what you need without wasting any floss.
- Reach Total Care. This brand of floss seems to combine the best of the Oral-B complete deep clean and glide comfort plus. The stretchy, shred-resistant material contours between teeth with its micro-grooves. In other words, the floss contains microscopic grooves that allow lingering particles to latch onto the floss, which means a cleaner smile.
- Oral-B Super Floss. The super floss works best for dental work, such as, braces and bridge work. The thicker design reaches below the gum line to pull out any food debris or plaque that’s started to accumulate. With a spongy material to bend and glide through teeth, super floss leaves your smile flawlessly clean.
Houston, TX Dentist about Proper Oral Care
For more information on proper oral care, talk to Dr. Gennero. She can provide a list of products that have been proven most effective for teeth cleaning purposes. To schedule an appointment with your Houston, TX general dentist, call us at (281) 578-6200. Also, visit our website for services, patient forms, and to learn more about the team. We gladly welcome patients from Clear Lake, The Woodlands, Katy, Sugarland, and surrounding cities.